Tuesday 11 January 2011

Confined Space

I made it through my first week which has shocked and surprised me. Dreams was a fun thing to watch and I saw examples of how, in the right hands, it allows filmmakers to run wild with their imaginations and really explore things. I also saw how it can become more than a little bit messy and can sometimes be a bit more nightmarish.

This week's theme will be films that take place (almost) entirely in a single location. I'm sure anyone who watches films will have seen examples of this and the problems it can cause when handled poorly. And again I'm sure you'll have seen examples where it can be an unflinching and brave approach to making a film as opposed to a budget-friendly, gimmicky plot device.

In this week's watching of films, I am sure I will be seeing examples of both though I don't yet know what films I'll be watching. But watch this space, I'll be back soon with more on this subject.

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